Exchanges | Returns
In case you wish to return or exchange an item, you can do so within 10 days from the date you receive the item at the designated address. For items picked up from our pickup point, the pickup date is considered as the starting point for the 10 days allowed.
Pickup point Aviz: your item can be exchanged for a different size or colour. You can choose a different style as long as the price of the new item is the same or higher than the item you are exchanging.
Site: if you wish to exchange an item through our website, please contact us at, stating the item you wish to exchange your purchase for. The total value of the new purchase has to be the same or higher than the original purchase. We will confirm whether the desired style is available by email. We can only accept items that arrive in the exact condition they were sent, including the liner and original tags. Returned items will be inspected for marks and signs of use. If EONA finds any marks and/or signs of use, the return / exchange will not be concluded. Returned itens should be sent to:
EONA swimwear: Rua Pedro Homem de Melo, 160, 4º, 4100-139 Porto. The associated shipping costs are charged to the customer.
Pickup point Aviz: no extra costs will incur for items returned to our pickup point. Upon returning your item, it will be inspected. You are welcome to stay for the process. If any marks and/ or signs of use are found, the return will not be accepted.
Site: if you wish to return an item through our website, please contact us at, stating the item you wish to return. We can only accept items that arrive in the exact condition they were sent, including the liner and original tags. Returned items will be inspected for marks and signs of use. If EONA finds any marks and/or signs of use, the return will not be concluded. Returned itens should be sent to:
EONA swimwear: Rua Pedro Homem de Melo, 160, 4º, 4100-139 Porto. The associated shipping costs are charged to the customer.